XBRL Preparation & Filling Services
Corporate Secretarial
XBRL Preparation & Filing Services
XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language. It is a language for the electronic communication of business and financial data worldwide. As one of the family of “XML” languages, it is becoming a standard means of communicating information between businesses and on the Internet.
All Singapore (SG) incorporated companies are required to file financial statements (FS) with ACRA, except for those which are exempted. Some companies will file a full set of FS in XBRL format, while some others will file key financial data in XBRL format and a full set of signed copy of the FS tabled at annual general meeting and/or circulated to members (AGM FS) in PDF. You may contact us to determine if your company is require to file XBRL.
Need assistance?
George Yeo
Director (Secretary & Corporate Advisory)
- +65 62468801
- george@aaa-global.com
Ray Kong
Director (Secretary & Corporate Advisory)
- +65 62468801
- raykong@aaa-global.com